Calibration Services Tenders in Somerset West

Total Posts: 11
Tender Title Tender Number Briefing Date Closing Date
Calibration and Certification of Laboratory Instruments for All Overberg Water Laboratories for a Period of 36 Months RFQ OW-023/2023/24 - 2024-02-14 11:00
Calibration and Certification of Laboratory Instruments for All Overberg Water Laboratories for a Period of 36 Months RFQ OW-010/2023/24 - 2023-08-04 11:00
Calibration and Certification of Laboratory Instruments for All Overberg Water Laboratories for a Period of 36 Months RE-ADVERTISEMENT RFQ OW-428/2021/22 - 2023-06-15 11:00
Calibration and Certification of Laboratory Instruments for All Overberg Water Laboratories for a Period of 36 Months Re-Advert RFQ OW-428/2021/22 - 2023-03-13 12:00
Calibration and Certification of Laboratory Instruments for All Overberg Water Laboratories for a Period of 36 Months RFQ OW-428/2021/22 - 2022-12-14 12:00
Appointment of Provide a Mobile Truck with a Stage for Eighteen (18) Consumer Education Events on an 80/20 Pppfa 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017. ICASA 33/2020 - 2021-07-23 11:00
Analysis of Fish Diets for Dry Matter X3, Moisture X3, Ash – 3 Samples, Fat - 3 Samples, Energy - 3 Samples, Carbohydrates - 3 Samples, Total Protein - 3 Samples, Arginine - 3 Samples, Serine - 3 Samples, Aspartic Acid - 3 Samples, Glutamic Acid - 3 Samples, Glycine - 3 Samples, Threonine - 3 Samples, Alanine - 3 Samples, Tyrosine - 3 Samples, Proline - 3 Samples, Ho-proline - 3 Samples, Methionine - 3 Samples, Valine - 3 Samples, Phenylalanine - 3 Samples, Isoleucine - 3 Samples, Leucine - 3 Samples, Histidine - 3 Samples, Lysine - 3 Samples, RFQ 000437 - 2021-07-16 11:00
Appointment of Service Provider to Provide Health and Safety Equipment and Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers for Period of One (1) Year. RFQ-07/2021/22 - 2021-07-14 13:00
Procurement of Engineering Products for 24 Months as and when Required KZN/RAIL/04/2021/050/Q/1 - 2021-07-16 12:00
Appointment of a Service Provider for Temperature Calibration and Mapping of Equipment. iLABS/RFQ 2020/21:48 Re-Advert - 2020-12-08 23:00
Appointment of a Service Provider for Temperature Calibration and Mapping of Equipment. iLABS/RFQ 2020/21:38 - 2020-09-07 11:00
Total Posts: 11

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