Debt Collection and Rent Collection Services Tenders in Mossel Bay

Total Posts: 5
Tender Title Tender Number Briefing Date Closing Date
Appointment of a Service Provider for Debt Collection and Subsidy Management TDR426/2022/2023 - 2023-05-05 12:00
Appointment of a Service Provider for Debt Collection and Subsidy Management TDR426/2022/2023: - 2023-05-05 12:00
Appointment of Conveyancing, Administration of Deceased Estates, Debt Collection and Advice/Litigation Panels for Mossel Bay Municipality TDR314/2021/2022 2022-05-11 14:00 2022-06-03 12:00
Appointment of Conveyancing, Administration of Deceased Estates, Debt Collection and Advice/litigation Panels for Mossel Bay Municipality TDR314/2021/2022 2022-05-11 14:00 2022-06-03 12:00
Legal: Appointment of Conveyancing, Debt Collection and Advice/Litigation Panels for Mossel Bay Municipality TDR247/2021/2022 - 2021-12-17 12:00
Total Posts: 5

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from R99 per month