Electronic Tools and Equipment Tenders in Bredasdorp

Total Posts: 5
Tender Title Tender Number Briefing Date Closing Date
Supply and Delivery of Uhf Portable Radios with 220v Chargers and Additional Batteries Q02-2023/24 - 2023-08-30 12:00
Supply & Delivery of Multiparameter Handheld Colorimeters Q8-2022-23 - 2022-08-12 12:00
Supply, Delivery and Install of 2-way Radios for a Period of 36 Months SCM40-2021-22 - 2021-11-05 12:00
Supply & Delivery of Portable Audio-visual Q7-2021-22 - 2021-10-15 12:00
Supply & Delivery of Camera Equipment Q17-2019-20 - 2020-03-06 12:00
Total Posts: 5

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from R99 per month